Our SEND Specialist Hubs
Welcome to Langer Academy and Bramford Lane Hubs
Langer Primary Academy is excited to be opening their two SEND specialist hubs in September 2024.
Our hubs, based at Langer and Bramford Lane aim to meet the needs of children with complex special educational needs that span the four broad areas of need: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health needs; sensory and/or physical needs. Langer Academy has 12 places and Bramford Lane accommodates 15 children.
Children who are based within the specialist unit are led by dedicated staff who have expertise in meeting the needs of all children in inclusive settings.
Our Curriculum
Children will engage with a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum suited to each individual’s needs and interests. Multi-sensory learning opportunities incorporates learning through a balance of adult-directed and child-initiated play, in addition to carefully planned adult-led activities.
Within the learning environment, children will have opportunities to access:
- Specialist resources such sensory, gym trail, technology, speech and language, etc
- Bespoke outdoor learning spaces with specialised equipment and sensory play
- Beach School
- Life skills including cooking and gardening
Children from the Hubs are welcomed to assemblies, either in person or via Teams, and whole school special events with other Unity schools in the area so that they feel very much part of the school community.
Langer Primary Academy has adopted a longer day on a Tuesday to provide enrichment for the children and access to the Children’s University. We have decided that this would not be appropriate for the children in the Hubs due to some children relying on County transportation. Instead, we are starting every day at 8.30, and the enrichment time will be accumulated and delivered on a half termly basis.
Our Staff
The Hubs are staffed by experienced teaching staff with SEND experience and three learning support staff.
Please feel free to contact staff (by clicking on the links below) and they will respond to you during their next working day.
In an emergency please contact the school office on 01394 283065 or visit our Contact Us page.
Jo Morgan-Soane
(Monday to Friday)
Rachel Wallace
SEND Specialist Hubs Lead
(Monday to Friday)
Kate Sudell
Langer Class Teacher
(Friday only)
Lucy Box
Bramford Road Class Teacher
(This term: Monday to Wednesday. From September: Monday to Friday)