Working in strong partnership is very important to every child’s learning journey. Parents obviously have the most powerful influence on their child’s development and we aim to help and support parents ‘belong’ and feel that Langer Primary Academy is their school too.
We believe that a warm welcome, a positive approach and easy access to information are key to securing effective home/school communication.
Please see below the communication tools we use at our school to enable the smooth and secure transference of information between school and home.
If you have any issues accessing these tools please contact the School Office.

Our School communication and payment platform is Arbor. All letters, weekly newsletters and updates are sent directly to parents via Arbor. All school payments are also made securely through Arbor.
Arbor can be accessed by clicking on the following link: login.arbor.sc

Our platform for teacher-home communication and remote learning is ClassDojo. ClassDojo can be accessed by clicking on the following link: www.classdojo.com
Other Ways We Communicate

- A display board outside the entrance of the School Office
- Celebration and Class assemblies
- Curriculum maps of the learning planned for the year
- Informal communication at the beginning and end of the day
- An open door policy that applies to the Headteacher and Class Teachers
- Parent consultations meetings in the Autumn and Spring term
- Termly parent forums.
- A progress report that is given out in the Summer term
- The school uses Ofsted’s ParentView to gather feedback about the school. If you wish to express your views then please put these on the ParentView website.
- Friendly and helpful staff in the School Office who can help direct you to any information you may need.