Relationships, Health & Sex Education
We have high ambitions for all pupils at Langer to become confident members of society. We know that our Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) curriculum is an essential part of achieving this aim. Our intention is for our pupils to be confident members of society who can:
- Access all the public services they need for their health and wellbeing
- Have strategies for keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy and ready to achieve great things
- Understand how to use their money to allow them to do all the things that they want in their lives whilst also managing their necessary financial commitments in the future
- Are safe and responsible digital citizens
We want our RHSE curriculum to prepare our children for future studies and careers in science through the development of knowledge, skills and curiosity needed for successful long-term retention of science learning.
Our RHSE curriculum follows the KAPOW scheme of work is organised into these strands:
- Families and relationships (including bullying, stereotyping and respecting differences)
- Health and wellbeing (exploring physical and mental health)
- Safety and the changing body (including digital safety, road safety, puberty and first aid)
- Citizenship (exploring responsibility, community and democracy)
- Economic wellbeing (learning about finance/money, careers and aspirations)
- Identity (Year 6 only)
- Transition (for every year group at the end of the school year)
These strands work to build key skills in our pupils, progressing as they move through our school, supporting them to be ready for KS3. The progression of skills aims to teach pupils to:
- Value families and different family structures
- Create and maintain positive friendships
- Develop safe and successful relationship
- Understand the changes that take place during puberty
- Promote good health and carry out first aid
- Learn to make independent choices and not be influenced by others
- Operate safely in a digital world
Each strand is organised vertically and revisited to ensure pupils retain, and build their knowledge.
The lessons are based upon the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health education, and incorporate recommendations from PSHE Association’s Programme of Study which is recommended by the DfE. Sex and relationship education has been included in line with the DfE recommendations. The scheme supports the requirements of the Equality Act through direct teaching, for example learning about different families, the negative effect of stereotypes and celebrating differences, in addition to the inclusion of diverse teaching resources throughout the lessons.
A range of teaching and learning activities are used and are based on good practice in teaching RHSE to ensure that all children can access learning and make progress. Topics are mapped to match our mixed year group class structure. In each class, an introductory lesson provides the opportunity for children and teachers to negotiate ground rules for the lessons. These introductory lessons are essential to create a safe environment for pupils to trust, share and learn topics that are personal to them.
Application of knowledge and real life context is consistently considered, considered with many lessons, stories, scenarios, and video clips providing the opportunity for children to engage in real life and current topics in a safe and structured way. Role-play activities are also included to help children play out scenarios that they may find themselves in.
There are also meaningful opportunities for cross-curricular learning, in particular with Computing for online safety and Science for growing, nutrition, teeth, diet and lifestyle.
KAPOW scheme of work also supports teacher development by providing a suite of eight Q&A videos for teachers, featuring experts from various fields, covering the key areas: Families, Friendships, Healthy and safe relationships, Digital safety and the changing adolescent body.
Class learning is recorded in a floorbook, where, every member of the class is represented, and key vocabulary, learning discussions and activities are recorded.
Through having been taught the full scheme, children will have met the objectives set out within the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance and can utilise their learning within their daily lives, from dealing with friendship challenges, to resilience to making healthy choices and knowing where and how to get help when needed. Our RHSE curriculum is essential to pupils becoming valued members of their communities and teaches them key life skills that are needed to be successful within their education and beyond.
The curriculum includes a wide range of opportunities for assessment, including quizzes within each unit and open discussion questions for pupils to articulate their knowledge. Teachers use these tools, alongside in class assessment for learning and evidence gained from the class floorbook to ensure knowledge is secure, and any gaps in learning are targeted.
Subject Links
Please follow the subject links below for further information about the subjects taught at Langer Primary Academy.
Jigsaw Intent, implementation and impact statement
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