Langer Primary Academy

School Closures

Severe Weather Guidance

On very rare occasions it may be necessary to close the school due to severe weather or other emergencies. When these decisions are made, the safety of the pupils travelling to/from school is our prime consideration, as well as the safety and supervision of pupils on the school site. We take advice from the local Police, the Local Authority and the Trust. If bad weather closure should be necessary, the following procedures will apply:

Parents/Carers will be notified by ClassDojo and Arbor as soon as a decision has been made to close the school or to have a late opening of the school, Parents/Carers will then be updated as and when decisions change.

Heavy Snow Overnight

If there is heavy snow overnight we may make the decision to close the school. A message will be broadcast on local radio stations (e.g. BBC Radio Suffolk)

You can also access school closure information at:

Late opening is also a possibility in poor weather conditions. In the event of late opening information will be put on the school website and local radio stations will be contacted.

Heavy Snow during the day

When conditions for travel become unsafe during the day, or safety on the school site cannot be maintained, the decision could be made to close early. In this case we will contact parents to make arrangements for the collection of your children.

Parental enquiries during the school day

If you are concerned about deteriorating conditions during the day, please check the school closure website and listen to the radio in the first instance. You are welcome to ring the school, but please be aware that in such circumstances the lines may well be very busy.

If the weather is cold and the school is open, please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for play times outside. In the event of snow, if children wish to play outside at break times then in addition to a suitable coat they MUST have wellies (or boots) along with hats, gloves etc.

If children do wear boots to school, please ensure they have a change of shoes for indoor wear.