Langer Primary Academy

Parent Consultations

It is important that we keep you informed of your child’s progress and welfare. Our Home-School Agreement emphasises the importance of good communications. Parents/Carers are invited to Parent Consultations in the Autumn and Spring terms. This helps us work together to promote academic progress and general well-being. A written report on each child’s progress is provided towards the end of the Summer term and the opportunity is then offered, to make an appointment for an individual discussion with the class teacher.

Our next Parents Consultation Evening’s are Monday 25th November & Wednesday 27th November 2024. Booking will be open from Friday 1st November at 15:30 via SchoolCloud – Langer Primary Academy

Parents are always welcome to discuss aspects of their child’s learning or welfare with the academy, by making an appointment through the School Office. In situations where teachers have concerns about a child, contact with the Parent/Carer will be made by the school.